The MVSeg dataset is available now! ------- # Dataset Brief MVSeg dataset comprises 738 calibrated RGB and thermal (RGB-T) videos, accompanied by 3,545 fine-grained pixel-level semantic annotations of 26 categories. It covers a wide range of challenging urban scenes in both daytime and nighttime. ------- # Dataset Download Please download the MVSeg dataset from the following Google Drive link: " ". Kindly note that certain essential information, such as your name, affiliation, and purpose, is required. Once your request is approved, you will be granted access to the dataset. ------- # Dataset Structure The MVSeg is structured as follows: MVSeg_Dataset/ |- train.txt |- val.txt |- test.txt |- test_day.txt |- test_night.txt | ... |- data/ | |- video1/ | | |- visible/ | | | |- 00001v.jpg | | | |- 00002v.jpg | | |- infrared/ | | | |- 00001i.jpg | | | |- 00002i.jpg | | |- label/ | | | |- 00001l.png | | | |- video2/ | | |- visible/ ... ------- # Dataset ColorMap Here is the reference for MVSeg dataset color visualization. [ (0, 0, 0), # 0: background(unlabeled) (0, 0, 142), # 1: Car (0, 60, 100), # 2: Bus (0, 0, 230), # 3: Motorcycle (119, 11, 32), # 4: Bicycle (255, 0, 0), # 5: Pedestrian (0, 139, 139), # 6: Motorcyclist (255, 165, 150), # 7: Bicyclist (192, 64, 0), # 8: Cart (211, 211, 211), # 9: Bench (100, 33, 128), # 10: Umbrella (117, 79, 86), # 11: Box (153, 153, 153), # 12: Pole (190, 122, 222), # 13: Street_lamp (250, 170, 30), # 14: Traffic_light (220, 220, 0), # 15: Traffic_sign (222, 142, 35), # 16: Car_stop (205, 155, 155), # 17: Color_cone (70, 130, 180), # 18: Sky (128, 64, 128), # 19: Road (244, 35, 232), # 20: Sidewalk (0, 0, 70), # 21: Curb (107, 142, 35), # 22: Vegetation (152, 251, 152), # 23: Terrain (70, 70, 70), # 24: Building (110, 80, 100) # 25: Ground ] ------- # Note Our MVSeg dataset is under the MIT License. If you have other questions, please email us at